Tuesday 24 May 2011

The Imperial Palace

       Today, I want to introduce another history site in China, and it is named the Imperial Palace, sometimes it is also named the Forbidden City. It is one of the biggest ancient architectures in China. If you like ancient architectures, I think you also like them because it is great and beautiful.

      The Imperial Palace is located in the central of Beijing, and it is 961 meters long from south to north, 753 meters wide, and its total area is 725,000 square meters, and the area of structure is 155,000 square meters. In 1973, experts measured that there were 8704 rooms. The Imperial Palace has 4 gates, and there is named Wu Gate, Donghua Gate, Xihua Gate, and Shenwu Gate. Wu Gate is south gate. Donghua Gate is east gate. Xihua Gate is west gate. Shenwu Gate is north gate. The Imperial Palace can be separated two parts that are the Outer Palace and the Inner Palace. The wall of the Imperial Palace is 12 meter high and 3400 meter long. There is a river out the palace, and it is 52 meter wide.

      The Imperial Palace was built by Ming Dynasty in 1406, and it was lived by 24 emperors. It represents the power of emperors, and there lived many servant and imperial concubines. In 1949, the Peoples Republic of China was built, the Imperial Palace was changed to a museum, and people can went to there and looked them.

      If you want to go to China, you should go there. You can get more knowledge about the Imperial Palace and emperors. In short, welcome to China, and welcome to Beijing.

Monday 9 May 2011

The Great Wall

       In the world, each country has a famous site, and this site has many interesting history. In my country, I would like introduce a famous site, the Great Wall, which is an old site. There two parts to introduce the Great Wall that is general situation and its history.

       First of all, I would like to introduce the general situation of the Great Wall. The Great Wall is from Shanhaiguan to Jiayuguan, and its total length is 8851.8 kilometers, and it is from east to west through 10 provinces. The Great Wall was built by the Qin Dynasty, and it was used to resist enemies who came from the north in the old China. The Great Wall is the crystallization of the wisdom of ancient Chinese people, but also the symbol of the Chinese nation, and I am proud with it.

       Second, the Great Wall has a longer history. In the B.C. 220, Qin Shi Huang unifies the old China, and he ordered people to build the Great Wall that resisted their enemies who came from the north. After that year, many dynasties also fixed the Great Wall, but these engineering were not large, until the Ming Dynasty, emperor ordered people fixed it again. Therefore, today we see the Great Wall that is built Ming Dynasty.

       In short, I am proud that there is the Great Wall in China, and it is one of the world cultural heritage, but also with the pyramids of Egypt eponymous building, or the wonders of mankind. I hope the people of the world come to China and visit the Great Wall.

Tuesday 26 April 2011

My Hometown

      This is my first article in the blog, and I would like to introduce my hometown, Yuxian. It is a county that has long time and abundant culture. I can use many ways to introduce my hometown, and there are basic information, history and culture, and nature scenery.
      First of all, let me introduce basic information about my hometown, Yuxian, for you.  Yuxian is a small county in the north part of the China, and it is belong to the Hebei province. It is near our capital, Beijing, so it has convenient condition about traffic. Its acreage is 3220 square kilometers, and the population is 480 thousand. Yuxian has many abundant mineral resources; for example, there are coal, iron, manganese, and gold and so on, and the reserve of coal is the largest, and it is 2.4 billion ton.
      Second, I would like to introduce the history and culture about Yuxian. It was built for 2000 years ago, and it was a King to reward a general who had many feats. About the culture, there are paper-cut and  a special art that we call tree-flower. The tree-flower is owned just by my hometown, and it use molten iron to throw the wall, then the molten iron is splashed that is called tree-flower. The tree-flower is very beautiful.

      Finally, this part is about  nature scenery in my hometown. The most famous one is named sky-grasslands because this grasslands is in the top of the mountain. The sky-grasslands has a special flower, and it is named edelweiss. When you go to there, you can ride the horse, and you can also shoot arrows.

       In short, there are many interesting things in my hometown, and the people like to keep opening doors.
Welcome to my hometown, and I can guide for you.